Death By Hope Streaming Player

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Their Web of Lies

Their web of lies
The lies they keep on telling you
Spinning truth
Drowning in prop they keep selling you
Robbing you
Of the hours of your one and only life
Breeding contempt, distrust
Fomenting strife
And what's the price?
The cost of shrugging blame
The cost of the avoiding shame
The cost of their slavers game
The road to hell is paved with good intent
But if you refuse to step up
We'll all default on the rent
We may all be in this together
But you use me like a check so you can spend forever

You don't ask me for permission
You just assume and forcefully take
And when I fight to keep something for myself,
you claim I'm evil for keeping what I make
You want your living off the labors of others
Condescend to us about how we're all brothers
A brother wouldn't hold a gun to my head for wealth
No destroy my property or sacrifice my health
You can't force compliance and pretend it's success
That's how dictators think, a bully at best
You can't drown our children while claiming its fine
Now they're smothered in debt and running out of time
The clock is ticking, the end is near
The world enslaved in poverty and fear
They us blame to divide us, while they cower and hide
And we're destroying ourselves in their web of lies

*recording notes - Music recorded in Pro-Tools.  Guitar was a Schecter Damian 7-string.  Sansamp in Pro-Tools for the distortion.  Zoom 234 for drums, direct line recorded.  EB-0 for bass.  Recorded vocals in Ardour using a Heil PR-20 in my car, on the overlook up the road from Dirt Fish Rally School.

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