Death By Hope Streaming Player

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Just Scratching the Surface

Supported and expanded Bush's unconstitutional Patriot Act.  And then had four US citizens killed without judicial process.

Ordered private company, Boeing, to shut down and then fire 1,000 non-union employees.

Was fast and furious to put guns into criminal hands, ending in the murder of US Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry.

Fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin for discovering his friend, mayor Kevin Johnson, had embezzled government funds.

Gave tax dollars to campaign contributors and lobbyists claiming it was for 'green energy', and rewarded others with high paying federal jobs.

Had armed SWAT agents raid a law-abiding guitar factory, Gibson, because it was owned by a Republican.

Forced banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't afford them, and collected $23,000 in legal fees for himself for doing so.

Ordered military to stand down while Benghazi consulate was under attack, resulting in 4 American deaths that could've been prevented.

We voted for death by hope.

(Just think, that clock was $10 trillion when Obama took office... a number he said was irresponsible and unpatriotic.  What does that make the current number?)

*Recording Details: After buying a cheap Estaban G-10 practice amp, I decided to record all the punk rock songs that weren't attached to my Anti-Social(ist) playlist with the amp.  I used my Heil PR-20 to record the amp in Ardour through my M-Audio Fast Track.  I never even reached 1 on the volume and recorded it fairly quietly.  I'm pretty happy how it turned out.  I wanted a sort of tinnish overdrive for the mid-80's punk sound.  I recorded vocals with my Heil PR-20, using my car as a vocal booth.  I recorded bass through my Multi Track into Ardour.   I redid the drums in Hydrogen, mostly using the standard kit with a few exceptions. 

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